Evening Brew: Pesky Beavers, Winter Kicks Brampton’s Ass & More

Sip your evening coffee or tea and read the day’s top headlines

Brampton Homeowners Upset Over Growing Beaver Problem 

Brampton residents in the Mountainberry neighbourhood are distraught over beavers causing havoc in their neighbourhood ravine. Read more.

Icy Road Conditions Cause 40 Car Pileup

Sporadic rain and light snow caused complete chaos on Brampton roads late Tuesday evening. Cars were in ditches, trucks jackknifed, and a 40 car pileup happened on the Southbound 410 at Derry Rd. Read more.

Court Documents Reveal How Brampton Woman Was Murdered

New court documents reveal how Michelle Paterson, a Brampton resident and city employee was murdered by her boyfriend in upstate New York on December 22. Condolences for the death of Paterson have been rolling in, most notably from city staff and council. Read more.

Brampton Getting it’s First Indoor Rock Climbing Gym

Toprock Climbing, a new indoor climbing gym, is set to open on Orenda Road in early 2017.They 6000 sq. ft. facility will feature a bouldering wall, autobelays and more. Read more.