The 410, basically everyone’s worst nightmare in the morning.
1. When you’re taking your new ride out for the first time
Admit it, you feel fancy.via GIPHY
2. When there’s major construction and nobody told you
You thought you were getting places on time today.
3. When you get on at Sandalwood and the coast is clear only to find a complete s**t show once you hit Steeles
You thought you were out of the woods.via GIPHY
4. When ‘that guy’ decides it’s a good idea to go 80 in the fast lane
Yeah, we all know ‘that guy’.via GIPHY
5. When you’re boxed in by two semis with nowhere to go and no hope of ever passing them
6. When the person who’s been tailgating you for 10 minutes finally decides to pass
Cue major side eye.via GIPHY
7. When traffic is so slow you, have nothing better to do than plot the demise of the person who just cut you off
7. When your lane is finally moving and you’re trying to hold off anyone who has bright ideas of merging in front of you
8. When your jam comes on and you don’t even care who’s watching, you just rock it out
9. When the person jamming out beside you needs a friendly reminder of their place
10. When ‘that guy’ speeds up the empty lane only to realize he has to merge for road work
Like, b***h you think we’re all sitting in this slow lane for fun?via GIPHY
11. When it’s back to school and your summer of cruising down an almost empty highway is over
And we’re back to the regularly scheduled s**t showvia GIPHY
12. When things finally start moving at a reasonable pace
And you’ll only be 30 minutes late for work instead of 45.
12. When you realize the reason for the slow down was absolutely nothing
Not a fender bender, not construction, nothing. Absolutely nothing.