After several rounds of consultation, Brampton Transit staff have revealed the terminus of the Züm service expansion on Airport Road will not end at Pearson International Airport as previously expected, but at Malton GO, at least for now.
City staff have confirmed to Bramptonist servicing Pearson International Airport is the ultimate goal, and that Malton GO is only an interim solution.
Brampton Transit expects to serve the airport with this Züm line by 2020. The restriction is in resources, which likely means operators and actual vehicles.
Service will be provided via a re-routed 505 Bovaird, turning on Airport Road, instead of Humberwest Parkway. Construction of Züm shelters and intersection improvements have already begun on the regional road.
Malton GO wasn’t one of the original options, but what we know now is that stops on this service will be at North Park/Cotrelle, Williams Parkway, Queen Street, Woodslea/Intermodal, Steeles Avenue, Morning Star Drive, and Derry Road–in addition to existing 505 stops along Bovaird Drive.
This service expansion was funded 50 per cent by the city, and 50 per cent by the federal government’s Public Transit Infrastructure Fund.
[…] in the new business plan is the 2018 Airport Road Züm expansion, the 2020 extension of the new line to Pearson Airport, and then the implementation of a new Züm […]