House Of Cards Board Game Cafe


If you were to take a stroll through downtown Brampton, you may stumble upon a little place called House of Cards. While reminiscent of the popular Netflix series starring Kevin Spacey, this House of Cards is a board game cafe.DSC_6383Having never even heard of such a place before, I grabbed a buddy and went to see this up and coming craze that’s taken Brampton by surprise. Now that I’ve been there, I can safely say that my love of board games has been restored anew and I’m looking forward to my next trip back; this time with a larger crowd.DSC_6362Last Friday marked their grand opening and the staff have made it simple for first timers. For $2 per hour per person, you are granted unrestricted, “all-you-can-play”  access to their complete board game collection, for the whole day, like a buffet. Once you’re through with one game, you can swap it out for another.

At present, they have over 300 different board games, with more along the way! The lineup of games includes everything from Cards Against Humanity, Risk and Settlers of Catan to Monopoly and Scrabble. Each game has been conveniently colour coded with a sticker to distinguish between the simple and more intricate games.

DSC_6330They have all the basic amenities of what you would typically expect of any cafe and the staff is really friendly and helpful when it comes to selecting a board game. The menu items all go appropriately as sides while you play your game, and at great prices too. They’ve got a variety of things to munch on including fries, chicken fingers, hot dogs, dips and a few sweet things as well, including a delicious S’mores dip. Their drink lineup includes the usuals with a few added extras like smoothies and milkshakes.DSC_6372What sets this cafe apart from local competition, besides their awesome board game collection, is their liquor license. Meaning they are open a little longer and you can sip on your favourite beer as you battle it out with friends. House of Cards will operate from 10:00am to 2:00am so you can play games and eat some great food pretty much any time of the day.DSC_6318So the next time you’re tempted by the Starbucks around the corner, I encourage you to pass that up and give this place a visit instead. Whether you’re in the mood for a heart-pounding round of Battleship, or a friendship-shattering game of Monopoly, House of Cards Board Game Cafe in Downtown Brampton has it all.