Going into the 2018 provincial election, Brampton now has five provincial electoral ridings specific to the city, no longer sharing representation with Mississauga in the south. As such, some boundaries have changed and voters may be confused about where they sit within the new boundaries.
At Bramptonist, we’ve made a handy map that shows Brampton’s riding boundaries. The map also includes a list of the current candidates running from the four major parties (Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats, Greens), as well as some of smaller parties (None Of The Above, Trillium, Libertarian, Communist).
To use the map zoom in or out to check street boundaries, and if you click on a riding the list of candidates will pop up within the map itself.
As the election progresses, and more candidates are added, drop out, or are removed, we will update the candidate lists.
You can also confirm your riding at the Elections Ontario website here, as well as check to make sure you are on the voter’s list.
For Brampton election coverage, check out our elections page at www.bramptonist.com/election.