Peel Police Designate Safe Zone for Online Buying and Selling

Peel Police are launching exchange zones where you can meet to safely buy and sell items through Kijiji, Craigslist and other platforms, making Brampton the first city in the GTA to have anything like this.

The zones are located in the at 22 division at 7750 Hurontario Street. Two parking spaces have been designated for exchanges. The area has plenty of light and is located near the entrance of the police station. It’s also monitored by security cameras.

Brampton follows Calgary and many cities in the United States that already offer safe zones for people buying and selling online.

The spaces have been open for use by the public as of Sunday, November 6, just in time for holiday shopping.

Peel Police advise those who don’t use the safe exchange zones to meet strangers in public places and in daytime hours when possible.