Prevent Strokes: Expert Insights and Tips from Dr. Douen at Osler Health System

March 5, 2024 – Dr. Andre Douen, a Stroke Neurologist at William Osler Health System (Osler), is sharing five crucial tips to help prevent strokes.

“Strokes can happen at any age,” says Dr. Douen, emphasizing the importance of understanding individual stroke risks.

“Each of us carries a risk of stroke from birth,” he explains. “High blood pressure, advancing age, heart disease, diabetes, smoking or vaping, high cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, obesity, sleep apnea, and previous stroke or heart disease history are all risk factors.”

“Prevention is key,” stresses Dr. Douen. “Quit smoking and vaping, control blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight, follow a nutritious diet, and exercise regularly.”

Recognizing stroke signs is crucial, Dr. Douen advises. “Remember FAST: Face drooping, Arms weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 911.”

“Time is of the essence,” warns Dr. Douen. “Two million brain cells die every minute during a stroke. Call 911 immediately for prompt treatment.”

For those who have experienced a stroke, Dr. Douen emphasizes the importance of preventing recurrence. “Stay vigilant, take prescribed medications, and consult with your doctor regularly.”

With these proactive steps, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of experiencing a stroke.

Osler is recommending people review the following resources for more information and more tips:

Stroke in Canada –

Prevent Stroke: What You Can Do |

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