February 23, 2024 – Over 7,000 households participated in Brampton’s Tele Town Hall discussing the Residential Rental Licensing Pilot Program that took place on February 22, 2023.

Residents engaged in a lively discussion, sharing feedback and opinions on the program. The vast majority of participants voiced support for the initiative.

Town Hall Results

Results from the Tele Town Hall revealed strong support for cracking down on illegal Additional Residential Units (ARUs), with 83% in favor, while only 7% opposed.

When asked about increasing fines and penalties for illegal secondary units, 67% supported the idea, emphasizing public safety concerns.

In the case of a secondary unit fire fatality, a significant majority (77%) believed the matter should be referred to Peel Police for criminal negligence.

The Case for Licensing Rentals

In a statement on ‘X’, Mayor Patrick Brown expressed concern over the tragic fatalities in illegal multi-unit properties, emphasizing the need for action. He highlighted the real consequences faced by landlords who fail to meet safety standards: “Since I have been Mayor of Brampton there have been 4 fatalities in illegal multi-unit properties.  These phone calls that I receive from the Fire Chief are the ones I dread the most as Mayor. They are senseless, avoidable and heart wrenching tragedies that the families affected by never truly recover from.”

Mayor Brown urged those opposing the crackdown on illegal units to consider the gravity of the situation and work together to prevent further tragedies.

The Residential Rental Licensing Pilot Program aims to regulate property owners renting out four or fewer units, targeting illegal units and addressing issues like overcrowding.

The City temporarily paused the program due to landlord backlash, recent updates include waiving certain requirements and extending fee waivers to streamline the registration process.

The City plans to reopen the registration website in March 2024 and continues to refine the program based on community feedback.

The Tele Town Hall provided residents with an opportunity to voice their opinions and contribute to shaping the program’s future in Brampton.