The City of Brampton announced earlier this week that it will begin to issue marriage licences again. It will be by appointment only, however, and just on Thursdays and Fridays.
Before this, due to COVID, marriage licences were being issued on an urgent or compassionate basis only.
Residents can schedule their appointment here. They must also complete the marriage licence application which can be found here, and then print it off, making sure both applicants sign the application.
Residents should then bring the signed marriage license with them along with the necessary ID. Note that at this time only one applicant can attend the appointment.
For all the details, residents should visit the city’s website.
The City of Brampton reminds residents that there are only a limited number of appointments available and that no walk-ins will be taken. They also remind Bramptonians that civil marriage ceremonies are still cancelled at this time.
Additionally, residents are reminded that under the City of Brampton COVID-19 Mandatory Face Coverings By-law, they are required to wear a non-medical mask or face covering when visiting City Hall, which is mandatory in all indoor public spaces in Brampton.