Batteries can’t be put at the curb with your regular garbage and recycling because of the toxic chemicals and other materials they contain. The good news is Peel Waste Collection provides a few ways to get rid of those pesky used batteries that often just end up floating around the house, adding to the clutter. (And we all know clutter is no good for your mental health!)

Twice a year you can put your batteries at the curb with other garbage, usually once in spring and once in the fall, but if you want to dispose of them more regularly you can either drop off at a Peel Community Recycling Centre (Which also accepts rechargeable batteries) or one of the participating libraries, community centres, municipal facilities and retailers.

Brampton has a number of locations where you can drop off your single-use dry-cell batteries in marked battery recycling bins. The locations accept A, AA, AAA, C, D and 9-volt button cell batteries. Check out the full map below.